Sunday, 20 April 2008

Turn off TV week

Tomorrow heralds the start of an international event - Turn Off TV week (

A study in America revealed that:

On average, children spend more time in front of the television than they do at school.
40% of Americans frequently or always watch television during dinner.

How much TV do you watch?
How does this impact on your life?

What would it take for you to turn off or reduce your television watching over the next week?

If you watch 2 hours per day, just think, you have 14 extra hours in your week to do other things.

You could take up a new hobby, try a new sport, play games with your family, go out for invigorating walks, read a new book - how do these sound?

For just one week, why don't you change your habits and do something different? Let me know how you get on.

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