Thursday, 5 April 2007

Flexible working and work life balance

On 6 April 2007, new laws on flexible working are being introduced in the UK. Currently parents with children under six and disabled children under 18 have the right to apply for flexible working. The Work and Families Act 2006 has extended the rights to carers of adults who will be entitled to apply for flexible working.

The new rights will give an estimated 1.4 million more employees in the UK the right to request flexible working to care for an adult. The legislation has and will help those who have responsibilities for children and adults with caring needs.

But it has also raised other issues. How will it actually work in practice? One of my clients feels that she will not be supported to apply for flexible working, she says “early last year my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. At the time I had already used leave to help deal with various issues related specifically to her condition. I have every intention of trying to take advantage of the new flexible working legislation for carers. Will the company I work for agree? I don’t think so. The likelihood is that they’ll come up with some vague informal arrangement that leaves me feeling vulnerable and unlikely to do anything other than continue to take my annual leave”.

And also what about the people who are not affected by the legislation and may resent those who are able to arrive late or leave early? Another of my clients believes that "it almost feels that this latest legislation discriminates against people without children or caring responsibilities."

Some organisations have actually extended the rights to apply for flexible working to all staff. If extended across the UK, it would help all people to have the opportunity to work flexibly. In addition, it would have a positive effect on employee’s attitudes and morale and would lead to increased productivity. It would also allow employees to develop a better work/life balance, which is an increasing challenge in today’s society. But will this happen and if it did, how would it impact businesses across the UK?

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