Saturday, 1 March 2008

Become a firewalker with Tony Robbins

What were you doing 8 days ago? Were you walking on hot coals like me?

Last weekend I attended the amazing Unleash the Power Within event run by Anthony Robbins at the ExCel centre in London. Like many other wonderful people, I spend most of my time working with others, helping them to identify and achieve their goals and last weekend was time for me!

Along with 8,000 other people, I learnt the power of getting into a peak physical state to allow me to achieve anything I want to do, such as walking barefoot over a bed of hot coals!

By using key coaching, neuro linguistic programming and neuro-associative conditioning techniques, Tony helps people to develop unstoppable beliefs in their abilities, understand what drives them and how to develop the techniques for peak performance.

So, what stops people achieving what they want in their life? You can start by following the following techniques:

1. Know what you want to achieve - be specific.
2. Know why this is a must in your life.
3. Get yourself in a peak psychological and physical state.
4. Decide what you are going to do and take action.
5. If it doesn't work, find another way of doing it!
6. Get a coach, mentor or expert to help you to achieve your goals.

See you there next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi,to all the members of this forum and this post inspired me a lot for doing something .Great going Tony Robbins go on..
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