Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Take a break and recharge!

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the here and now. Like many self employed people, my working hours can be erratic. On Sunday I was working on my business by reviewing and updating my website - www.selfdiscoverycoaching.co.uk. By 6pm (after working on and off for most of the day), although my brain wanted to carry on, my body wanted a break from sitting at the computer. So I gave up and went to the gym. When I was there, my brain had a chance to assimilate everything that had been going on in my mind and I solved a problem that I had been agonising over for weeks. I thought I didn't have time to take an hour or so out of my day, but in doing so, I achieved a goal.

The morale of this story is whenever you feel too busy to go to the gym, read a book, take time out, trust your instincts as a break is often what you need to take a new perspective and have innovative thoughts.